What Is Firebase?
September 30, 2021
The Art Of Wireframes & Mock-Ups
October 7, 2021
For my first post I would like to discuss the “The Art Of Coding” as it is something I am really passionate about. I will also be sharing some interesting examples of real world applications and innovations.
Are Developers artists?
Are Developers artists? Well the way I see it is that the screen is their canvas and their choice of programming languages are their paint brushes. Although many may see this aimed towards the front-end developers, but the same can be said about the back-end developers as well.
It’s not always about the physical end product, but rather how it’s all put together that makes it a work of art. Every developer has their own approach to solving problems. However, over time the developers skills will become more refined and the lines of code required to perform certain tasks will be reduced, leading to a more optimized solution. I suppose it’s kind of like riding a bicycle or like any art form. It requires practice before you can truly master it.
With that being said it’s also important to state that programming should follow certain standards so that the code can be read easily by a human being. When I say that, I mean it should have the correct indentation and if necessary added comments to assist someone else who is given the task to sort through the code or to assist your future self.
Coding is by no means limited by what you see on the screen. Take the above image for example it’s a robotic arm. Without the code resulting in relevant telemetry signals, we can’t get the arm to move the way we would want it to on its own. Coding can be seen as a functional art form that is used to automate and assist us with every day tasks.
For example Virtual Reality was made possible by programming/coding.
Here are some examples of it being used in our every day life:
- 3D sculpting - VR allows the user to get a more 3 dimensional view of their art by allowing them to have a more natural form of control.
- Medical Training - VR allows our doctors to simulate procedures without the risk of harming an individual. This allows our doctor and medical student to learn in a much more controlled environment.
- Military Training - VR allows soldiers to train in simulations without the risk of injury.
Here is another example of how code has made our lives simpler. Thanks to Elon Musk we have the ability to travel without even focusing on the road ahead. Tesla has made it a reality that cars can be self driven.
As a junior developer I am personally amazed by how code is put together to create new patterns, new systems and solutions.
My father always tells me, “If you can dream it you can build it”.