Help! I’ve Had To SSH Into A Linux Box For The First Time (Part 3)
September 12, 2022
Misconceptions About Software Development
September 26, 2022
Adding animation effects could be done in a number of ways, namely CSS/SASS or a library, but Angular could also do this plus the benefit of reusability and easy implementation.
Starting Point
Firstly we have to make sure we have the animations package installed (creating a new project usually has this added already).
Install the animations package:
npm install --save @angular/animations
Then just add the BrowserAnimationModule to you app's main .module file.
Now the fun starts
Lets define an animation (I decided to create a separate module file to hold all my animation styles).
Note that I also had to import all the animation methods used in my logic.
All of these built-in methods all have an important task:
- trigger - accepts a name for the animation trigger and an array of state and transition methods to configure the animation.
- style - CSS styles to be applied.
- transition - specifies the configuration for transitioning between the different states and its direction.
- animate - specifies the duration and any additional CSS animation properties such as easing.
Let's Implement
On the page/component I want to use my animation, import it into the component class;
and add it to the component decorator using the animations property.
Now simply add this animation to any div or directive you would like to animate like so;
And that's how easy it is to add animations in an Angular app.
Note how easy it would be to reuse this animation in a different component or event import and add more than one animation to the same component.